  • Voltalia

    Created in 2005
  • Social networks

    1,405 234,929
  • Location

    84 Bd de Sébastopol, 75002 Paris, France



  • Engaged entities

    103 19
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 Jul 2023, 1:36 p.m.
  • Value proposition

    Improve global environment fostering local development.

    Voltalia is an international player in the renewable energy sector. The Group produces and sells electricity from its wind, solar, hydraulic, biomass and storage facilities. It has 3.3 GW of capacity in operation and under construction and a portfolio of projects under development with a total capacity of 17.2 GW.

    Voltalia is also a service provider and supports its renewable energy customers at every stage of their projects, from design to operation and maintenance.

    As a pioneer in the corporate market, Voltalia offers a comprehensive range of services to businesses, from the supply of green electricity and energy efficiency services to the local production of its own electricity.

    With more than +2000 employees in 20+ countries on 3 continents, Voltalia has the capacity to act globally for its customers.

    Voltalia is listed on the regulated market of Euronext Paris, compartment A (FR0011995588 – VLTSA). The Group is also included in the Gaïa-Index, the index of responsible midcaps.

    Hydroelectric facilities, Biomass-incineration facilities, Storage, Solar, Wind, Biomass, and Hydro

  • Original language

    Improve global environment fostering local development.

    Voltalia is an international player in the renewable energy sector. The Group produces and sells electricity from its wind, solar, hydraulic, biomass and storage facilities. It has 3.3 GW of capacity in operation and under construction and a portfolio of projects under development with a total capacity of 17.2 GW.

    Voltalia is also a service provider and supports its renewable energy customers at every stage of their projects, from design to operation and maintenance.

    As a pioneer in the corporate market, Voltalia offers a comprehensive range of services to businesses, from the supply of green electricity and energy efficiency services to the local production of its own electricity.

    With more than +2000 employees in 20+ countries on 3 continents, Voltalia has the capacity to act globally for its customers.

    Voltalia is listed on the regulated market of Euronext Paris, compartment A (FR0011995588 – VLTSA). The Group is also included in the Gaïa-Index, the index of responsible midcaps.

Entity interactions BETA
Entity TypeTweets Articles
Public Relations and Communications Services

6 Oct 2022

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Lendosphere Lendosphere
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3 Jul 2024

CVE (Changing Visions of Energy) CVE (Changing Visions of Energy)
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13 Mar 2023

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6 Jun 2023

Collège Financement Participatif par France FinTech Collège Financement Participatif par France FinTech
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Intersolar Intersolar
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