  • Food Hotel Tech

    Created in 2016
  • Social networks

    1,486 10,735
  • Sectors

  • Location

    Bd Haussmann, 75008 Paris, France



  • Engaged entities

    240 227
  • Added in Motherbase

    11 Mar 2022, 6:02 p.m.
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Exhibition of #tech #digital #smarthotel innovations dedicated to Hospitality and Catering

    Food Hotel Tech, the first exhibition in France dedicated to #tech #digital #eco-responsible innovations 100% Hospitality - Catering

    Next edition: The 19 & March 20, 2025 in Paris, Porte de Versailles, Hall 7.1

    A revolution: the hospitality industry is being disrupted by digitalization. Turnover, margins, customer relations, point of sale experience... the impact is everywhere!

    Our mission: to enable the CHR to decode, tame and benefit from the impact of new technologies

  • Original language

    Salon des innovations #tech #digitales #smarthotel dédiées à L'Hôtellerie et la Restauration

    Food Hotel Tech, le premier salon en France dédié aux innovations #tech #digitales #éco-responsable 100% Hôtellerie - Restauration

    Prochaine édition : Les 19 & 20 mars 2025 à Paris, Porte de Versailles, Hall 7.1

    Une révolution: le métier de l'Hôtellerie-Restauration est bouleversé par la Digitalisation. Le CA, les marges, la relation client, l’expérience sur le lieu de vente... l’impact est partout!

    Notre mission: permettre au CHR de décoder, apprivoiser et profiter de l’impact des nouvelles technologies

Entity interactions BETA
Entity TypeTweets Articles
martech, Technology, Information and Internet
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

1 Oct 2021

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8 Jun 2022
