  • Value proposition

    Circular Valley - center of the circular economy

    Circular Valley is a globally unique hotspot for establishing a future-oriented circular economy.

    In Circular Valley, international startups, companies, science and politics meet to work together across industries and technologies on closing material cycles along existing value chains, developing policy recommendations and political framework conditions and providing the public with lasting information on the topic of circular economy. The non-profit Circular Valley Foundation is supported by the state of North-Rhine Westphalia and the EU. In addition, various funding bodies and many of the 100+ partners are sponsors. The foundation financially supports the Circular Economy Accelerator GmbH.

    Based in Wuppertal, in the middle of North Rhine-Westphalia and the wider Rhine-Ruhr region, the Circular Valley is located in the center of the most dynamic business location in Europe with over 20,000 international companies, over 70 universities and more than 16 million residents within a 100 km radius.

    Circular Economy, Accelerator, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Recycling, Nachhaltigkeit, Startup, Sustainability, Innovation, Policy Recommendations, and Public Relations

Entity interactions BETA
Entity TypeTweets Articles
NorthernLight NorthernLight
constructiontech, Design Services
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

2 Oct 2015

Powered by Meaning Powered by Meaning
greentech, civictech, Business Consulting and Services, cleantech

11 May 2017
