  • Trendeo

    Created in 2007
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    26 Rue Monsieur le Prince, 75006 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 12


  • Engaged corporates

    2 55
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 9 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Publisher of economic data on employment and investment in France and around the world.

    Trendeo is a consulting firm specializing in information gathering and monitoring.
    We collect, process and analyze information and monitor what is published, permanently, in the world press, blogs and forums.

    Our media monitoring unit covers press and magazines of 190 countries, in 100 languages ​​(more than 156,000 publications), and over 200 million social media worldwide.

    Trendeo also deals with national and international investment related issues.
    The company executes a daily monitoring on the investment in France, of which the results are accessible to its subscribers on:

    Trendeo is a company specializing in monitoring and information collection.
    Our job consists of collecting, processing and analyzing information as well as monitoring what is published, constantly, in the global press, blogs and discussion forums.

    Our monitoring unit covers the press and magazines in 190 countries, in 100 languages ​​(more than 156,000 press titles), and more than 200 million social media outlets around the world.

    Alongside these activities, Trendeo created and manages the Investment Observatory in France

    economic intelligence, monitoring, relational mapping, information collection, prospecting, economic development, monitoring, mapping, information gathering, and territorial marketing

  • Original language

    Editeur de données économiques sur l'emploi et l'investissement en France et dans le monde.

    Trendeo is a consulting firm specializing in information gathering and monitoring.
    We collect, process and analyze information and monitor what is published, permanently, in the world press, blogs and forums.

    Our media monitoring unit covers press and magazines of 190 countries, in 100 languages (more than 156,000 publications), and over 200 million social medias worldwide.

    Trendeo also deals with national and international investment related issues.
    The company executes a daily monitoring on the investment in France, of which the results are accessible to its subscribers on:

    Trendeo est une société spécialisée dans la veille et la collecte d’informations.
    Notre métier consiste à collecter, traiter et analyser l’information ainsi qu’à surveiller ce qui se publie, en permanence, dans la presse mondiale, les blogs et les forums de discussions.

    Notre cellule de veille couvre la presse et les magazines de 190 pays, en 100 langues (plus de 156 000 titres de presse), et plus de 200 millions de médias sociaux à travers le monde.

    Parallèlement à ces activités, Trendeo a créé et gère l’Observatoire de l’investissement en France

    intelligence économique, veille, cartographie relationnelle, collecte d'informations, prospection, développement économique, monitoring, mapping, information gathering, and marketing territorial

  • Avec Trendeo, améliorez vos décisions grâce aux données

    La solution Trendeo permet d’améliorer vos décisions par un suivi en temps réel des acteurs de l’économie et de leur impact sur l’emploi et l’investissement.

  • https://trendeo.net/
Corporate interactions BETA
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