  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] French inter-profession of horticulture, floristry and landscaping. Plants are essential to life.

    VALHOR is recognized by public authorities as the French Interprofession of horticulture, floristry and landscaping.

    It brings together 52,000 specialized companies, generating more than 15 billion euros in turnover and representing 170,000 jobs.
    It brings together professional organizations representing the sectors of production (VERDIR, Felcoop, UFS, CR), marketing (FFAF, Jardineries et Animaleries de France, FGFP, Floralisa), as well as landscape (UNEP, FFP).

    VALHOR's mission is to:
    • Develop the economic potential of the sector;
    • Respond to plant health issues, improve product quality and service offerings;
    • Promote knowledge of production and the market;
    • Promote plants, the know-how of professionals, the richness of professions in the sector
    • Federate and strengthen dialogue between professional organizations to promote the interests of the sector
    VALHOR is the inter-branch organization for ornamental horticulture in France. It is officially acknowledged since 1998 by the French Ministries of Agriculture and Trade as representing the entire sector.

    VALHOR in figures
    52,000 companies represented;
    3 branches: production, trade and retail, landscape;
    10 trade associations: growers, nurseries, seeds companies, garden centers, wholesalers, florists, agro-shops, landscape contractors and landscape architects.

    VALHOR shares
    • Market studies and surveys;
    • Tools and labels (environmental labels...) for companies represented;
    • Promotional campaigns;
    • Advertising campaigns;
    • Competitions;
    • National and regional events;
    • Program innovations.

    Horticulture, Floristry, and Landscape

  • Original language

    Interprofession française de l'horticulture, de la fleuristerie et du paysage. Le végétal est essentiel à la vie.

    VALHOR est reconnue par les pouvoirs publics comme l’Interprofession française de l’horticulture, de la fleuristerie et du paysage.

    Elle réunit 52 000 entreprises spécialisées, réalisant plus de 15 milliards d’euros de chiffre d’affaires et représentant 170 000 emplois.
    Elle rassemble les organisations professionnelles représentatives des secteurs de la production (VERDIR, Felcoop, UFS, CR), de la commercialisation (FFAF, Jardineries et Animaleries de France, FGFP, Floralisa), ainsi que du paysage (UNEP, FFP).

    VALHOR a pour mission de :
    • Développer le potentiel économique de la filière ;
    • Répondre aux enjeux sanitaires du végétal, améliorer la qualité des produits et l’offre de services ;
    • Favoriser la connaissance de la production et du marché ;
    • Promouvoir le végétal, le savoir-faire des professionnels, la richesse des métiers de la filière
    • Fédérer et renforcer le dialogue entre les organisations professionnelles pour porter les intérêts de la filière
    VALHOR is the inter-branch organisation for ornamental horticulture in France. It is officially acknowledged since 1998 by the French Ministries of Agriculture and Trade as representing the entire sector.

    VALHOR in figures
    52 000 companies represented;
    3 branches: production, trade and retail, landscape;
    10 trade associations: growers, nurseries, seeds companies, garden centres, wholesalers, florists, agro-shops, landscape contractors and landscape architects.

    VALHOR actions
    • Market studies and surveys;
    • Tools and labels (environmental labels...) for companies represented;
    • Promotional campaigns;
    • Advertising campaigns;
    • Competitions;
    • National and regional events;
    • Innovations programs.

    Horticulture, Fleuristerie, and Paysage

  • Accueil - VALHOR

    VALHOR, l'Interprofession française de l'horticulture, de la fleuristerie et du paysage, accompagne et soutient les professionnels de la filière horticole.

  • https://www.valhor.fr/
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