[Automatic translation follows] MONDRAGON Corporation's news.
MONDRAGON Corporation's news.
[ES] TU Lankide is MONDRAGON's internal magazine. We follow all the current events of the cooperatives and put them in the hands of professionals or those interested in the various sectors that the group works in. We pursue a double objective: to inform about the Corporation's current events and to spread cooperative culture. We inform you every second through the digital portal www.tulankide.com and send you the TUlankide magazine quarterly; you just have to subscribe: http://www.tulankide.com/es/revista/suscripcion.
[EUS] TU Lankide is MONDRAGON's magazine. We follow all the daily events of the cooperatives and make them available to those interested in the professionals or sectors of the group. TU Lankide has two objectives: to provide current information about the Corporation and to spread cooperative culture. We disseminate up-to-date information through the portal www.tulankide.com and we will send you the TUlankide magazine every three months; you just have to subscribe: http://www.tulankide.com/eu/papereko-edizioa/harpidetza
Cooperativism, company, industry, and MONDRAGON
La actualidad de Corporación MONDRAGON.
MONDRAGON Korporazioaren aktualitatea.
MONDRAGON Corporation's news.
[ES] TU Lankide es la revista interna de MONDRAGON. Seguimos toda la actualdidad de las cooperativas y lo ponemos en manos de los profesionales o interesados en los diversos sectores que trabaja el grupo. Perseguimos un doble objetivo: informar sobre la actualidad de la Corporación y difundir la cultura cooperativa. Te informamos al segundo mediante el portal digital www.tulankide.com y te enviamos la revista TUlankide trimestralmente; solo tienes que subscribirte: http://www.tulankide.com/es/revista/suscripcion.
[EUS] TU Lankide, MONDRAGONeko aldizkaria da. Kooperatiben egunerokotasun osoa jarraitu eta profesionalen zein taldeko sektoreen inguruan interesa erakusten dutenen eskura jartzen dugu. TU Lankidek bi helburu ditu: Korporazioari buruz gaurkotasuneko informazioa ematea eta kultura kooperatiboa hedatzea. Unean-uneko informazioa zabaltzen dugu www.tulankide.com atariaren bidez eta TUlankide aldizkaria bidaliko dizugu hiru hilabetero; harpidetu besterik ez duzu egin behar: http://www.tulankide.com/eu/papereko-edizioa/harpidetza
Cooperativismo, empresa, industria, and MONDRAGON
Corporate | Type | Tweets | Articles | |
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![]() Siemens Industry, Automation Machinery Manufacturing | Siemens Industry, Automation Machinery Manufacturing | Other 30 Jan 2023 | |