  • GreenTech Innovation

    Created in 2021
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Entity types

  • Location

    QF44+P59, Ain Abdellah 35000, Algeria

    Ain Abdellah


  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 3

  • Engaged corporates

    1 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    8 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Green Tech Innovation is the first startup that will provide an open Fablab and help the makers to innovate differently.

    GreenTech Innovation
    Young innovators with innovative projects are accompanied by an excellent environment in order to transform their creative ideas into realistic products.
    Green Tech Innovation helps students, startups, universities and all organizations innovate products or services differently. how?
    By providing a “Fab Lab” manufacturing laboratory and raising awareness of environmentally friendly innovation.
    GreenTech Innovation helps innovative people and companies build services and products that have a lower negative impact on the environment, or even a positive impact on it. 🐝🐠🌲

    Green Tech Innovation is the first startup that will provide an open Fablab and help the makers to innovate differently by taking into account the environmental challenges.

  • Original language

    Green Tech Innovation is the first startup that will provide an open Fablab and help the makers to innovate differently.

    GreenTech Innovation
    يرافق المبتكرين الشباب الحاملين لمشاريع ابتكارية بيئة ممتازة من أجل تحويل أفكارهم الإبداعية إلى منتجات واقعية .
    تساعد Green Tech Innovation الطلاب والشركات الناشئة والجامعات وجميع المؤسسات على ابتكار منتجات أو خدمات بشكل مختلف. كيف؟
    من خلال توفير مخبر تصنيع "فاب لاب" و التوعية بالابتكار الصديق للبيئة.
    يساعد GreenTech Innovation المبتكرين من أشخاص وشركات على بناء خدمات ومنتجات ذات تأثير سلبي أقل على البيئة، أو حتى ذات تأثير إيجابي عليها. 🐝🐠🌲

    Green Tech Innovation is the first startup that will provide an open Fablab and help the makers to innovate differently taking into account the environmental challenges.

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Startup accelerator & VC, IT Services and IT Consulting
Startup accelerator & VC, IT Services and IT Consulting

20 Jul 2023

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