  • CCFF (Chambre de Commerce Franco-Finlandaise)

    Created in 1923
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    251 201 1,429
  • Entity types

  • Location

    83 Av. Charles de Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 17

  • Engaged corporates

    0 5
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 9 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Chamber bicameral, the CCFF is composed of two sections, one based in Paris and the other in Helsinki.

    The CCFF is a privileged meeting place between French and Finnish businessmen and ensures a mission of general interest.

    • Promote business contacts between members around targeted events
    • Provide concrete support to French companies in their approach to the Finnish market, in cooperation with its partners, in France and Finland, with the Finnish Chamber at the forefront
    • Welcome and direct requests for support from Finnish companies towards France transmitted by the Finnish Chamber
    • Establish a body representing Franco-Finnish business interests more broadly
    • Contribute to any initiative or project of a nature to promote and develop economic exchanges et culturels entre la France et la Finlande

    The Franco-Finnish Chamber of Commerce of Helsinki is an association whose basic mission is to create and develop a contact surface for its members with influential figures in French trade and business life and not only to promote networking but also to offer support to French companies that are interested in export and investment projects directed towards Finland. .

    Our aim is therefore:

    - To receive and forward inquiries from French companies regarding Finland

    - To act as a guardian of the interests of French-Finnish business relations

    - To promote the networking of our members by organizing events on various themes

    - To be involved in initiatives or projects that promote and develop commercial relations and general cultural activities between France and Finland between.

    business development

  • Original language

    Chambre bicamérale, la CCFF est composée de deux sections, l'une basée à Paris et l'autre à Helsinki.

    La CCFF est un lieu de rencontre privilégié entre hommes d'affaires français et finlandais et assure une mission d'intérêt général.

    • Favoriser les contacts d'affaires entre membres autour d'événements ciblés
    • Apporter un appui concret aux entreprises françaises dans leur approche du marché finlandais, en coopération avec ses partenaires, en France et en Finlande, au premier rang desquels la Chambre finlandaise
    • Accueillir et orienter les demandes d'appui des entreprises finlandaises vers la France transmises par la Chambre finlandaise
    • Constituer un organe de représentation des intérêts d'affaires franco-finlandais plus largement
    • Contribuer à toute initiative ou projet de nature à favoriser et développer les échanges économiques et culturels entre la France et la Finlande

    Helsingin ranskalais-suomalainen kauppakamari on yhdistys, jonka perustehtävänä on luoda ja kehittää jäsenkunnalleen kontaktipintaa Ranskan kaupan ja liike-elämän vaikuttajiin ja paitsi edesauttaa verkostoitumista myös tarjota tukea ranskalaisille yrityksille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita Suomeen suuntautuneista vienti- ja investointihankkeista.

    Täten tavoitteenamme on:

    - Ottaa vastaan ja edelleen välittää ranskalaisten yritysten Suomea koskevia tiedusteluja

    - Toimia ranskalais-suomalaisten liikesuhteiden edunvalvojana

    - Edesauttaa jäsentemme verkostoitumista järjestämällä eri teemoja käsitteleviä tapahtumia

    - Olla mukana aloitteissa tai hankkeissa, jotka edistävät ja kehittävät kaupallisia suhteita ja yleistä kulttuuritoimintaa Ranskan ja Suomen välillä.

    business development

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Building supplies, Truck Transportation
Building supplies, Truck Transportation

6 Dec 2024

Telecoms, Telecommunications
Telecoms, Telecommunications

31 Oct 2024

European Space Agency - ESA
European Space Agency - ESA
Defence and Aerospace, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing
European Space Agency - ESA
Defence and Aerospace, Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing

14 Mar 2019

Viva Technology
Viva Technology
Trade show, IT Services and IT Consulting
Viva Technology
Trade show, IT Services and IT Consulting

16 Jun 2017

Business France
Business France
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Business France
National and local authorities, Government Administration

24 Jul 2017

30 Sep 2024

CCI Normandie
CCI Normandie
Chamber of commerce, Government Administration
CCI Normandie
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