
    Created in 2020
  • Social networks

    283 888
  • Entity types

  • Location

    Berlin, Germany



  • Employees

    Scale: 1-10, 2-10

    Estimated: 12

  • Engaged corporates

    0 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 6 months ago
  • Value proposition

    We accelerate community and startup development to unleash the power of sustainable development.

    Motherland is an ecosystem orchestrator that brings together communities and selected startups to solve a communities’ challenge and unleash the power of sustainable development systemically. We will accelerate the development of the communities and the startups to materialise measurable impact at scale.

    The key challenge of sustainable entrepreneurship in developing countries’ communities is the lack of a working economic environment. Rarely startups find the supply chains, resources and technologies needed to succeed in a given community. Therefore it is crucial not to support single projects. Rather we need to shape the working environments of thriving sustainable communities.
    Therefore, our solution is to create an accelerator not only for single startups but rather for clusters of startups that interlink and form a working economic ecosystem. In a first step, we identify leverage points in a community that can act as a flywheel for a sustainable environment. In a second step, we identify startups, which can address this leverage point. In an accelerator program, we join up these startups to create a sustainable economic environment, thus forming a blooming community.
    For example, suppose you want to solve the problem of food waste sustainably, which requires you to combine multiple complementary solutions like cooling and storage, processing and refinement, energy, logistics, commerce and education. Bringing these startups together, we will develop a community, protect the environment, and secure sustainable economic growth.

    We see the proven model of an accelerator program as the solution to communities' structural challenges. Our program is unique because we accelerate in two dimensions: #1 the economic viability, scalability, and fundability of the selected startups, and #2 applying the startups' solution in the community. This is what we call the "ecosystem accelerator".

    Development Work, SDGs, Development Entrepreneurship, Startup Acceleration, Empowerment, Regenerative Economy, Impact, and Impact Investing

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
United Nations Academic Impact
United Nations Academic Impact
International development, International Affairs
United Nations Academic Impact
International development, International Affairs

29 Feb 2024

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